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Digital Addiction: Finding Balance in Our Digital Lives

·7 mins
I was sitting on the subway yesterday when I glanced up from my book and noticed something striking: every single person in my line of sight was absorbed in their phone, beautifully lined up in a picture-perfect row of devices. While this scene has become commonplace, something about this particular moment stopped me. It wasn’t just the ubiquity of screens but what this tableau revealed about our evolving relationship with attention itself. Frustratingly, I didn’t have my camera with me.


Performative Existing

·6 mins
The Spectrum of Motivation # Human behavior springs from a fascinating spectrum of motivations. At one end lie our intrinsic drives—actions we undertake simply because they resonate with our authentic desires and values. I listen to certain music because the melodies and rhythms genuinely move me. At the opposite end are extrinsic necessities—things we do because external circumstances require them. I complete certain work tasks not because they bring me joy, but because they represent necessary contributions to larger endeavors I’ve committed to.

The Multifaceted Nature of Beauty

·3 mins
There exists an intriguing corner of Reddit called r/amiugly where individuals share photographs of themselves seeking community feedback on their appearance. The space functions as a complex intersection of vulnerability, validation-seeking, and the universal human desire for reassurance about how we present to others. Having observed this community for some time, I’ve noticed a compelling pattern. The participants—predominantly younger individuals who may struggle with self-image—almost invariably possess completely normal, often quite appealing appearances. This creates a fascinating window into the disconnect between self-perception and external reality, highlighting how our internal narratives can dramatically diverge from how others perceive us.

Rediscovering Authentic Experience in a Digital Age

·3 mins
Contemporary culture has elevated travel to a position of remarkable prominence. While exploration has always held appeal, the current enthusiasm appears increasingly intertwined with documentation and sharing. For many travelers, capturing and broadcasting experiences through social platforms has become as central to the journey as the experiences themselves. Some genuinely enjoy the novelty of transport hubs, aircraft, and accommodations, though personally, I find more fulfillment in destinations than in transit experiences.



Memes and Marketing: Understanding Cultural Propagation in Startup Growth

·3 mins
A fascinating pattern has emerged among startups—particularly in financial technology and adjacent sectors—where leaders increasingly explore cultural propagation through memes as a potential growth strategy. This approach parallels the “viral” focus that characterized the early 2010s startup landscape, when numerous companies secured substantial venture funding based primarily on rapid user acquisition through novel applications. The Yo app stands as a particularly interesting historical example of this phenomenon.


Digital Privacy: Practical Steps for Personal Data Protection

·4 mins
In our increasingly connected world, maintaining personal privacy presents significant challenges, particularly as we carry sophisticated devices capable of extensive data collection. Fortunately, several practical approaches can help you retain greater control over your personal information. This guide offers actionable strategies for enhancing your digital privacy. A photo of my dog, who has nothing to do with digital privacy but makes this post more enjoyable