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Mass Hysteria

·3 mins
We’re living in some interesting times, and I’ve been wondering how psychology plays into the current doomsday phenomenon. It’s fun to study history about previous events related to mass panic and hysteria. Some gems from the Wikipedia article listing mass hysteria events: The dancing plague of 1518 was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg, Alsace (then part of the Holy Roman Empire) in July 1518.


If You Care About Privacy

·3 mins
It’s hard to maintain privacy these days, ever since we started carrying around the ultimate Internet connected surveillance device in our pockets. So what can you do about it? Here’s a brief guide. My pup cares about privacy. This photo has nothing to do with this post. Vote with your wallet #Thanks to capitalism, the best thing you can do in most cases is express your frustration about loss of privacy by boycotting companies that don’t respect your right to privacy.

Try and Fail

·4 mins
I’ve long held the belief that it’s better to try and fail, than to never even attempt doing something. Along with a few successes in life, I have had a very long list of failures to my name. Here’s a story about one such failure. Christening Ursula, my canoe I was at a social gathering a few days ago and I had a conversation with someone about how I’d tried to paddle a canoe down the Mississippi in 2017.