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Make Art

·3 mins

I think most people are artists, in one sense or another. We don’t generally do much to cultivate artists as a society, aside from the occasional optional art class in school. I like to cosplay as an artist, but I don’t think of myself as particularly talented or skilled when it comes to making art.

When you look at the animal kingdom, art is one of the very few things that separate humans from all the other animals. That’s not to say that other animals don’t create art, it’s more that humans have a much more developed sense of art. We can appreciate art in a way that other animals can’t, but the other animals certainly still appreciate art.

The most obvious example of animals showing an appreciation for art is (in my opinion at least) how some species have evolved to display bright colors and patterns. These colors and patterns are often used to attract mates, but they’re also used to scare off predators. It’s a form of art that’s evolved over millions of years, and it’s a form of art that’s still evolving today. Sexual dimorphism is a whole fascinating subject, albeit a bit off-topic, but it’s an interesting example of how nature uses art to increase the chances of survival and the proliferation of the species.

What’s more fascinating about how some animals use art for attracting mates (such as bird songs, dances, and displays) is that much of this art also appeals to humans, even though we’re not the intended audience. We can appreciate the beauty of a bird’s song, even though the bird isn’t singing for us. We can appreciate the beauty of a peacock’s tail, even though the peacock isn’t showing off for us. We can appreciate the beauty of a spider’s web, even though the spider isn’t weaving for us. It suggests there’s some natural connection between animals and art that goes beyond mere survival.

Music is probably one of the most popular forms of art in terms of consumption, though we probably don’t always think of music as art in the same way we might think of a painting or a sculpture. Music is used to convey emotions, opinions, stories, and ideas. Music can transcend generations and cultures, and it can bring people together in a way that few other things can. Music is a form of art that’s been around for as long as humans have been around, and it’s a form of art that will probably be around for as long as humans are around.

Few people are taught how to appreciate art, and even fewer people are taught how to make art (excluding your elementary school art class). It’s a real shame, in my opinion, because making art is fun and rewarding. It’s a great way to express yourself, learn more about yourself, connect with others, and explore new ideas.

Learning to appreciate art isn’t hard, it’s generally as simple as learning what you enjoy and what you don’t, and taking time to appreciate the things you do enjoy. Good art is just whatever you like; ignore an critics or “experts”. Some people may want to gatekeep art, but art is for everyone.

We’re all artists, but some of us may not have found our medium yet, or allowed ourselves the opportunity to explore our interests. So get out there and make some art if you’re not already.