Recent posts
The Art of Productive Boredom
·7 mins
I’ve been thinking a lot about boredom lately—specifically, how we’ve become so good at avoiding it. We reach for our phones at the slightest hint of downtime, filling every possible moment with scrolling, tapping, and consuming. It’s as if we’ve collectively decided that being alone with our thoughts is some kind of punishment to be avoided at all costs.
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Write About Writing
·4 mins
I like to write, and sometimes I like to write about writing. It’s a bit like the artist who teaches art, rather than practicing it. But I think there’s value in it, and I hope you do too.
Like any creative endeavor, it’s worth taking a step back to examine the process—why you do a thing, and how you do it. Should you continue? Are you doing it well? Are you doing it for the right reasons? Are you producing the work you want to produce, or is it a half-hearted attempt at something else? Are you doing it for yourself, or for others? To make money, or to make a difference?
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Kill Your Ego
·2 mins
When I think about my biggest mistakes, they all seem to share one theme: I let my ego get the best of me. Staying humble is easier said than done, and it’s hard to appreciate how good things are until they’re gone.
There’s a fine line between keeping your ego in check and sacrificing so much self-respect that you become a doormat. In most cases, you don’t realize you’ve crossed that line until it’s too late.
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Performative Existing
·4 mins
Sometimes we do things because we want to, sometimes we do things because we must. For example, you may need to do a task at work that you don’t particularly enjoy, but you do it because it’s part of your job. Or perhaps you listen to a song you enjoy because you enjoy the song. Simple enough, right?
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High Hopes, Low Expectations
·4 mins
Although I have written about this idea before, I feel like it’s one worth elaborating on. We live in an age of instant gratification, which I think leaves us often feeling underwhelmed. In most cases, this disappointment is due to our expectations being too high.
There is, of course, a simple solution to this problem: lower your expectations. On the surface you might think “but why should I lower my standards?”, and I’ll try to make the case for why you should.
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